Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Friend of God

Long time, no post. I've jumped back in where I have left off with Genesis. Today was a deeper study of Abraham and Sarah. This study focused on Genesis 18.

Abraham is called the friend of God in James 2:23. What an amazing appellation! From all that I have already learned about Abraham from studying Genesis, I know he was just a man whose faith in God lead him to do extraordinary things. But I know he was a man with faults who sometimes chose the wrong path as all mankind does. So what was it that made Abraham a friend of God? When we draw near to God, pour out our heart's to him, and then listen as he has listened to us, we find that we too can be the friends of God. In Genesis 18, Abraham stood before the Lord God and he drew near to speak to him. He showed concern for God and shared his concern for others by seeking to intercede for the righteous of Sodom whoever they might be. God listened to Abraham and responded to his words.

I found this to be personally meaningful because I have a burden on my heart. My husband and I have been struggling to have a child for about a year and half now. I know that everything works out according to God's will, but I still feel what I feel. It's hard not to feel the glimmer of hope every cycle, the heartache of finding out your not pregnant, the spark of anger at your lack of control, and finding peace again. I never really thought about taking all those feelings and sharing them with God the way Abraham did. So I'm going to start drawing near to God and pour out what I feel to him. Jesus has made it so that we can go to Father anytime we like and that's what I am going to do.